Smart Realities

Diseñando tecnología para un futuro prometedor, impulsando la transición hacia la Sociedad 5.0..

The Incredible Impact of Enterprise AR and VR

How industry leaders in automotive, transportation, tourism, and manufacturing drive measurable outcomes from mixed reality.

Augmented Reality

The benefit of AR is that it is so broadly applicable. It goes all the way back to manufacturing and education, and then all the way down to the consumer level.


We develop technology to accelerate the fourth revolution.

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 or the Industrial Internet is more than just a vision of the future. Using current technologies to connect physical objects to the virtual world is already yielding new business models.

Augmented Intelligence

Augmented intelligence is an alternative conceptualization of artificial intelligence that focuses on AI's assistive role, emphasizing the fact that cognitive technology is designed to enhance human intelligence rather than replace it.

Spatial Computing

As augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR – collectively mixed reality, or XR) technology and hardware continue to evolve and become more accessible, enterprises are expanding the range of use cases for XR across their organizations.


Here to create innovative technology to help humanity to live smarter.

Our mission is to create innovative technology that inspire love for living that helps humanity to work, learn, play, travell and growth smarter. We are driven by our five pilars SPACE:







Our vision is to create innovative technology that helps people to learn smarter.


To inspire a love for learning.

Love for Learning

The only good is knowledge.


We devote all of our experience and efforts for creation


Meet Our Invaluable Smart Team

Sebastian Tamayo

Research & Development

Diego Carrera

Projects Department

Andres Noboa

Marketing Department


The breaking news about Industry 4.0 & Society 5.0

The Future of AR/VR Headset Design is Hybrid

“...a product that can move seamlessly between workplace and home environments has the potential to transform the way we live.”.

How AI and Machine Learning Can Help Build a More Engaged Workforce

AI and machine learning are changing onboarding for the better by offering customized, engaging employee training solutions.

City life in 2030: Here's what to expect in the next 10 years.

The robotic revolution has already started, but the ultimate dream of robot makers worldwide is to fill the planet with anthropomorphic robots -- the stuff of science fiction movies.

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